I've had a few smiley occasions over the last few days which I thought I'd share with you in pics. Much cheerier than telling you all about the non-stop pregnancy heartburn and indigestion that I'm suffering from ...... only 8 weeks left....only 8 weeks left (repeat to fade!)....
My recent purchase of gladioli which was only £3 for the whole bunch and is now happily adorning our hearth....
Empty boxes once filled with amaryllis and hyacinth bulbs which are undergoing dark warm and cold treatments (respectively) and which I hope will be in flower by the time the baby arrives.....
A little robin I crocheted using a pattern from Lucy at Attic 24 although I think I might try the next one using a double crochet stitch (US single crochet) to make it a bit more pulled together. I also improvised his legs and feet......
A clean fishtank....
My current crochet project which I'm making for the baby. An Attic 24 style granny stripe blanket! My plan is to finish the edging off whilst stuck in hospital recovering from the c-section as I won't even be able to get out of bed for the first 24hrs. That way I'll also know whether to finish it off with a pretty pinks and purples edging or blues and greens as we have decided to "wait and see" when it comes to finding out whether we're having a boy or a girl. (I only started this last week and it's already starting to take over the house!)
A reflection of my own craziness having bought a copy of Woman's Weekly (even though I am only in my (ahem) "early" 30's) simply because it contains a pattern for Peppa Pig by Debi Birkin. I will obviously confess all if I take guilty pleasure in reading the rest of the publication....... Blame it on the hormones!
A copy of the current edition of Let's Get Crafting which arrived from the publishers this morning. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw little Arthur the Alien on the cover - no less!
There you go. A little glimpse of all the nice things that make me smile. Much much nicer than that horrible gloopy bottle of peppermint flavoured Gaviscon........!
Pen x