So, here I am, one hand typing this post whilst I comfort my new little man with the other. He's happily taken up residence slung over my left shoulder and he is snuggling into my neck making the loveliest squeaky newborn noises.
I can also hear him busily filling his nappy. That's my son!
Here's a little pic for you ......
So all he needs now is a name. You'd think having 280 days to the baby's impending arrival that it would allow plenty of time to get a few favourites shortlisted so that he would now have his own identity, especially being the ripe old age of 1 week today. But no. We have baby naming block.
The naming of a real person, a very onerous task, has to be carefully considered to avoid saddling the poor little sausage with something we may regret and that he will have to live with long after we are gone! I read a post on Mumsnet yesterday that one Mummy and Daddy bailed out after 7 months of calling their little one something regretable and changed it to something else. I really don't want to be in that boat. How embarrassing!
Ideally we want his name to be different but not geeky, trendy but not overused, something that we can shorten, something that doesn't sound like an old man when he's 4 or too childish when he's 34 or by far the worst, like we are trying too hard. Maybe our expectations need editing instead.
Our parents and friends seem fairly frustrated that we haven't named him yet and we get inundated with texts asking "Any name yet?" which I rather suspect has something to do with their inability to write his name in their greetings card rather than their concern for his inability to make his mark in a world where you need a proper noun to get on.
So busy we are with a baby names book in one hand and baby in the other and maybe soon we'll be able to label him. We've got 5 weeks left to register our choice at the Town Hall and Oliver has kindly volunteered the use of his name if we get stuck!
Pen x