It was a good week this week and I've had a bout of creative rejuvenation. Team that together with my 6 week sign off at the doctors enabling me to drive again and I feel very much like my old self. I'm reluctant to admit in case I jinx the situation but Zac is also starting to sleep for around 6 hours at night which feels positively luxurious after the 3 hour cycle we've had since he was born. Admittedly it's early days but I'm not looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth and fully appreciate what feels akin to a lie in!
So this week I managed to finish my pink striped granny blanket which I edged with a pin striped-ish border. I sort've fell out with the colours of the blanket half way through but then after some careful "random" selections of the final third, fell back in love with it. Here it is in its full glory....
And here it is with Zac's bunny....! Oliver did insist on this one...
Unfortunately for me, but hurray for my pattern collection, the gaptastic cowl still has not made it on to my needles as the addi click points have still not arrived (boo). Instead, I dug through my stash and teamed it up with some lovely Rowan Purelife British Sheep Breeds DK undyed in Blue Faced Leicester Marl. I've had this ball hanging out in my stash of DK for too long waiting for a new creature to come to life and I'm pleased to say it's coming along quite nicely.
I'm knitting this little creature in 2 weights of yarn, DK and worsted (UK readers - aran weight popular in the US), in 2 different needle sizes which will give one larger and one smaller critter. Subject to Zac (pictured blurry in the background) behaving for his Mummy I should be able to get some knitting and pattern planning done over the next week and fingers crossed there should be a little critter to show you next week....
In the meantime, and I'm sorry for the gratutitous baby photo, but here is Zac after his first proper bath, all snuggly and warm...
Mmmm - nice clean baby! You can almost (not) smell him!!!
Hope you have a lovely weekend and get some knitting in!
Pen x