This week I've been mostly:
1. Starting a new blanket - this time in pinks..... I love crocheting blankets so much; I even wake up thinking about it. (Did I say that out loud?)
2. Wishing I could start my gaptastic cowl with this lovely soft thick yarn.
3. Received some Addi Click cables in the post following another bout of internet yarn and notion shopping but no Addi Click needles. Apparently they are to follow in another 2 or even 3 weeks which means I can't start knitting my cowl until they arrive. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!
4. Cursing about receiving part orders (see 2&3)!!
5. Finished my 2 Arthur the Aliens in Cascade 220. I got there in the end and I rather like the blue one.
6. Practicing for my piano lesson which resumes next week after a few weeks grace to get over the shock of having a baby. I must admit I've not even touched one key for weeks so I'm expecting a bit of an ear bashing from my lovely teacher! Or rather it will be her ears that get a bashing as I strangle her concert pitch Yamaha.
6. Trimming my step son's Chinese Elm bonsai since he thinks, like his dirty washing magically appearing in the wash basket, that he doesn't need to do anything to it.
7. In disbelief it's nearly the middle of February already and March is only 2 weeks away. I'll be knitting flipping Christmas ornaments in less than no time. At least my cowl should be finished by then......
Pen x