Ollie and I got busy with some acryllic paints over the weekend for the annual Easter Egg competition held at his nursery. It was lovely to spend some one to one time with him especially as he loves painting and glueing so much! Mr C took them in to nursery this morning so fingers crossed the judges like the results!
They were really easy to make and reminded me of making similar painted eggs with my mum when I was little. Although if truth be told she had a lot less patience for arts and crafts - bless her!
Things you'll need
~ a hard boiled egg
~ acryllic paints
~ card
~ pva glue
~ stick on goo goo/googly eyes
~ yarn (to make pompoms)
~ toilet/kitchen paper rolls
~ scissors
~ paint brush
So after laying down the Appointments section of the Sunday Times on to the kitchen table we:
1. Painted the eggs and left them to dry. You may need more than one coat.
2. Painted some card on both sides in various colours for beaks, wings and ears and left them to dry. You can cut the various shapes out later. Much easier and a lot less messy!
3. Cut the toilet rolls into 2 inch lengths and cut a grassy edge into one side. (see picture) Paint the tubes and leave to dry.
4. Cut out your various wing, beak, tail and mouth shapes and glue in place.
5. Make pompoms (if using) and glue in place.
6. Glue eyes in place
7. Leave to dry and then stand back and admire!
It took about an hour or so from boiling the eggs to finishing which was just within my and my 3 yr olds attention span!
What crafty projects are you doing for Easter?
Pen x
Confession Time - ok ok I glued the eyes/wings/tails in place, but Ollie did put the glue on the eyes etc and he was happy for Mummy to do the placing of them on the eggs! So I guess that's ok???