Remember when you were little and birthdays always seem to take forever to come round again? Then you get older and you wish that they didn't come round such as often! I'm now at that age when I'm nearer to 40 than 30 and naturally everyone keeps reminding me. I get ever closer to the 'big four - oh' this Friday.
The nice thing about birthdays in my family is that they seem to cluster together. Mr C, Ollie, Zac and Grandpa's birthday are around Christmas time and mine, my brother's and my step-son, Alex are all this weekend coming. Everyone else slots nicely inbetween which is very considerate of them.
My brother was born on my 3rd birthday and it was noted at the time I wasn't very happy about that. I might have mentioned around about the time of his birth that 'he was the worst birthday present I'd ever had', much to the amusement of my parents.
Looking back I always liked sharing my birthday with him as it meant that we always got presents on the same day and our parties were always a big shared affair. We even had a shared 18th & 21st in my university union bar which turned into a very crazy night with more than a few shandies. My brother is a self confessed party animal and always gets a bit silly after a few drinks and his company can be quite addictive. However, that night is definitely not the subject of this blog post!
So as birthdays are for sharing I'm just putting the finishing touches to a free toy pattern which I will make available via Ravelry from this Friday. I'm not giving any secrets away as I have a strict no-peeking-policy when it comes to birthday presents!
Pen x