I ended up making 2 of these scarves last year, one for my step father in law and the other for my step son. The age difference between them is nearly 65 years which shows how timeless and contemporary the pattern is! Because of the cables it's a bit of a yarn guzzler and I used 3 balls in the end. You could always carry on knitting if you would prefer a longer scarf!
Skills Required - knit, purl, cast/bind on, cast/bind off in pattern, cable techniques
Scarf Dimensions 20 cm/8in x 150cm/59in
3 x 50g Rowan Alpaca Cotton
Pair of 5mm /UK6 /USA 8 knitting needles
cable needle
10cm/4in square -16st x 23 rows in stocking/stockinette stitch
sl- slip stitch knitwise from left needle to right needle
K - knit
P - purl
St(s) - stitch(es)
C4B - (Cable 4 Back) - slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at back of work, then knit next 2 sts from left hand needle, finally knit sts from cable needle
C4F - (Cable 4 Front) - slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at front of work, then knit next 2 sts from left hand needle, finally knit sts from cable needle
T4F - (Twist 4 Front) - slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at front of work, then purl next 2 sts from left hand needle, finally knit sts from cable needle
T4B - (Twist 4 Back) - slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold at the back of the work, then knit next 2 sts from left hand needle, then purl sts from cable needle
Cast on 54 stitches
Row 1: sl 1, K1, P3, C4B *p4, C4B; rep from * to last 5 st, P3, K2
Row 2: sl 1, P1, K3, P4, *K4, P4; rep from * to last 5 st, K3, P2
Row 3: sl 1, K1, P1, *T4B, T4F; rep from * to last 3 st, P1, K2
Row 4: sl 1, P1, K1, P2, K4, *P4; K4; rep from * to last 5 st P2, K1, P2
Row 5: sl 1, K1, P1, K2, P4; *C4F, P4; rep from * to last 5 st, K2, P1, K2
Row 6: as per Row 4
Row 7: sl1, K1, P1, *T4F, T4B; rep from * to last 3 sts, P1, K2
Row 8: as per Row 2
Repeat rows 1-8 until scarf measures approx 150cm ending with Row 1.
With wrong side facing (ie non cabled side) cast off in pattern but substitute P2tog twice for P4. By purling 2 together twice it stops the end of the scarf from flaring out at the cast off end. The cast off row therefore looks like this but remember to cast off after knitting each stitch:
Cast off row- sl 1, P1, K3, P2tog, P2tog *K4, P2tog, P2tog; rep from * to last 5 st, K3, P2
Sew in any loose ends to the scarf and then hand wash and dry flat. This helps stop the scarf from curling.
I hope you like your scarf, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me or leave me a comment.